BCH 2333/2733 prerecorded review session 2022

BCH 2333/2733
Test #4/#5 or Midterm 2 Review Sessions
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for 3.5 Hours of Tutoring

Protein Binding and
Michaelis-Menton Kinetics

Review Session Details
  • Kozlowski: Lectures W7 and W8A
  • Boddy: Quiz 4
  • Protein-Ligand binding (i.e., Kd)
  • Saturation/Binding curves
  • Cooperativity and Hill plots
  • Sequential vs. Symmetry models
  • Cooperativity of oxygen-hemoglobin transport
  • Enzyme catalysisand free energy
  • Steady-state approximation
  • Michaelis-Menten enzyme kinetics (i.e., Km and Vmax)
  • Michaelis-Menten equation and plots
  • Lineweaver-burke plots (double reciprocal of Michaelis-Menten graph)
  • KM, Kd, kcat, kcat/KM
  • Review Session will include problem solving from past Midterm questions.
  • All registered students will receive a "Midterm Package #4" that includes multiple Midterms/Quizes related to the above topics from previous years given by uOttawa Professors.

BCH2333/2733: Protein Binding and Michaelis-Menten Kinetics


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Enzyme Inhibition,
Catalysis and Regulation

Review Session Details
  • Kozlowski: Lectures W8B, W9A and W10A
  • Boddy: Quiz 4 and 5
  • Types of reversible inhibitors (i.e., alpha and Ki)
  • Applying Line-weaver Burke plot for reversible inhibitors 
  • Types of irreversible inhibitors
  • Types of enzyme catalysis:
    • induced fit
    • covalent catalysis
    • acid-base catalysis
    • catalysis by approximation
    • metal-ion catalysis
  • Identifying enzyme catalysis
  • Cofactors and coenzymes
  • Allosteric binding (i.e., Aspartate transcarbamoylase, ATCase)
  • Enzyme regulations: isozymes, reversible covalent modification, proteolytic cleavage and transcriptional control
  • Review Session will include problem solving from past Midterm questions.
  • All registered students will receive a "Midterm Package #5" that includes multiple Midterms/Quizes related to the above topics from previous years given by uOttawa Professors.

BCH2333/2733: Enzyme Catalysis, Regulation and Inhibition


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Test #3 or Midterm 2 Review Sessions


for 3.5 Hours of Tutoring

Protein Folding
and Structure

Review Session Details
  • Kozlowski: Lectures W4B, W5, W6, W6B, W7
  • Boddy: Quiz 3
  • Review amino acid side chain properties (i.e., pKa, charges, stereochemistry)
  • Dihedral angles for secondary structure (i.e., phi and psi)
  • Newman Projections for psi/phi angels
  • Drawing Helical wheels
  • Ramachandran plot
  • Properties of helices
  • Properties of Beta-sheets
  • Supersecondary structures and motifs
  • Levinthal’s Paradox
  • Protein folding thermodynamics 
  • Protein folding pathways
  • Quaternary structure (i.e. C2, C3, D2, D3 etc.)
  • Review Session will include problem solving from past Midterm questions.
  • All registered students will receive a "Midterm Package #3" that includes multiple Midterms/Quizes related to the above topics from previous years given by uOttawa Professors.

BCH2333/2733: Peptide, Protein Structure and Folding


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Lipids, Protein Binding and
Nucleic Acid Structures

Review Session Details
  • Review primary DNA structure (i.e. base tautomerization, classic base pair H-bonding, c2/c3 endo sugar rings)
  • Understand the inter- and intramolecular interaction in a DNA double helix
  • Analyse and understand DNA secondary structures (i.e. DNA helices: A, B, and Z)
  • Remembering Chargaff's Rule
  • Understand properties of triple DNA helices (H-DNA)
  • Palindromes and formation of hairpins and
  • DNA denaturation and melting curves
  • Types of lipids and their structures
  • Lipid membrane properties (i.e. fluidity, lateral and transverse diffusion, and cholesterol)
  • Fatty acid nomenclature
  • Understanding general ligand binding (i.e. formulate equation and associate it to Kd)
  • Learn to manipulate the simple Kd equation into complex ones
  • Graphically understand how protein-ligand system is interpreted
  • Cooperativity in ligand binding (i.e. Hill plot)
  • Assess the two types of cooperativity models (MWC vs. KNF model)
  • Apply protein-ligand cooperativity to oxygen transport in the body

BCH2333/2733: Nucleic Acid Structures, Lipids and Protein Binding


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Test #1/#2 or Midterm 1 Review Sessions


for 3.5 Hours of Tutoring

Thermodynamics, Buffers
and Carbohydrates

Review Session Details
  • Review Session will include tutoring with problem solving from past Midterms/Tests
  • Types of intermolecular interactions in biochemistry (i.e. ionic and dipole interactions)
  • The hydrophobic effect
  • Three thermodynamic parameters: ∆H, ∆S and ∆G
  • ∆G and equilibrium constants (Keq) of biochemical reactions
  • Using the H-H equation to solve for pH, pKa and concentration of buffer
  • Switch between line structure and Fisher projection for sugars
  • Sugar stereochemistry (i.e. D/L sugars, enantiomers, diastereomers, epimers)
  • Structural difference between Ribose, Glucose, Mannose and Galactose and Fructose
  • The concept of mutarotation about the anomeric carbon
  • Learn to convert between Fisher projections, Haworth projection and line structures
  • Sugar function in a cellular context

BCH2333/2733: Thermodynamics, Buffers, Lipids and Carbohydrates


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for 3.5 Hours of Tutoring

Amino acids, Peptides
Nucleic Acids

Review Session Details
  • Review Session will include tutoring with problem solving from past Midterms/Tests
  • Understand how to assess amino acid stereochemistry
  • Switch between line structure and Fisher projection for amino acids
  • Learn the mechanism for the formation of a amide bond
  • Review 20 natural amino acids and their pKas
  • Amino acid charge at various pH and its isoelectric point (pI) values
  • Composition of DNA and RNA nucleic acids
  • DNA structure (i.e. base tautomerization, classic base pair H-bonding, c2/c3 endo sugar rings)
  • Understand the inter- and intramolecular interaction in a DNA double helix
  • Analyse and understand DNA secondary structures (i.e. DNA helices: A, B, and Z)
  • Drawing oligomers of DNA and RNA
  • Mechanism for the formation of a phosphodiester bond
  • Identifying nucleic acid base pairing and tautomers

BCH2333/2733: Peptides, Protein Structures and Folding


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Session Instructor
Abdullah is a top-rated tutor with 10+ years of teaching experience.

­As a recent PhD graduate from the University of Ottawa, he has worked along with many of the CHM BCH 2333/2733 Professors. His lesson plans will always begin with must-know fundamental concepts and end with examples from previous midterms and final exam questions.

Recommended by 200+ uOttawa students. Join one of his review sessions and decide for yourself!