CHM 2120/2520 (Final Exams 2021)

CHM 2120/2520
Final Exam Tutoring Sessions.
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Midterm 1 and 2
Problem Solving

Review Session Details
  • The Review Session will mainly focus on solving problems from problem sets, midterms and final exams related to Midterm 1 and 2 material.
  • Tips and tricks on how to get the major products with and without a mechanism.
  • Acid-Base, pKa, equilibrium and resonance problems
  • Sn1, Sn2, E1, E2 and E1cb problems
  • Carbonyl chemistry problems involving: gringard reactions, NaBH4/LiAlH4 reductions, cyanohydrides, saponification, transesterification, amide formations, acid halide reactivity, anhydrides, imine formation, hemi-acetal/hemi-ketal, acetal/ketal formations, transesterification, hydrolysis and amide formations.
  • Solving H NMR and IR questions as well!

CHM2120/2520: Midterm 1 and 2 Problem Solving


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Synthesis and

Review Session Details
  • Review of important Organic 1 reactions needed for synthesis and retrosynthesis
  • Reagents for SN and E reactions in synthesis/retrosynthesis
  • Learn to move an alkene group over an alkyl chain
  • Switch between carbonyls during synthesis questions
  • Making retrosynthesis simpler using "reaction scars" technique
  • Exam-like retrosynthesis questions from simple to complex
  • Very helpful tutorial for anyone that needs to learn which reagents to use to make final products from simple starting materials!
  • All students that purchase this Review Session will receive "Final Exam Package" containing past uOttawa Professor exams!

CHM2120/2520: Synthesis and Retrosynthesis


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Midterm 2 Recorded Tutorials.


for 3.5-Hours of Tutoring

Alcohol Oxidation and
Carbonyl Chemistry

Review Session Details
  • Learn concept of alcohol oxidations using PCC and Jones reagents
  • π-bond electrophile properties: molecular orbitals and reactivity
  • Assessing reactivity of various π-bond electrophiles
  • Ranking leaving groups for carbonyls
  • Learn all mechanisms using four detailed mechanism to guide you to the right major product within all carbonyl and imine reactions
  • Two detailed general mechanisms of π-bond electrophiles in basic conditions. This is a great method to learn multiple mechanism like the following reactions: Gringard reactions, NaBH4/LiAlH4 reductions, cyanohydrides, saponification, transesterification, amide formations, acid halide reactivity, anhydrides and more!
  • Two detailed general mechanisms of π-bond electrophiles in acidic conditions. This is a great method to learn multiple mechanism like the following reactions: imine formation, hemi-acetal/hemi-ketal, acetal/ketal formations, transesterification, hydrolysis and amide formations.
  • Where does the equilibrium favour for carbonyl reactions
  • Understand how to do the above reactions in reverse mechanism
  • Learn tricks to solve the mechanisms without drawing a full mechanism (tips and tricks from tutor)
  • All students attending Review Session will receive "Midterm 1 Package" containing past uOttawa Professor midterms!

CHM2120/2520: Carbonyls 2 and 3 Reactions


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Enols, Enolates
and Enamines

Review Session Details
  • Tautomerization of enols/enolates under basic and acidic conditions
  • Assessing the acidity of α-hydrogen on carbonyls
  • Understanding kinetic vs. thermodynamic enolates/enamines
  • Know when to do a enolate/enamine reactions instead of attacking the carbonyl
  • Understanding how to use an enolate/enamine against various electrophiles (includes alpha-alkylation and alpha-halogenation)
  • Halogenation in basic and acidic conditions for enolates/enols
  • Reacting enolates/enamines with carbonyls (ex. Aldol reaction/condensation, Claisen reactions)
  • E1cb Elimination in Aldol reactions (Dehydration products)
  • All students that purchase this Review Session will receive "Final Exam Package" containing past uOttawa Professor exams!

CHM2120/2520: Enols, Enolates and Enamines


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Midterm 1 Recorded Tutorials.


for 3.5-Hours of Tutoring

Sn and E Reactions
(Part 1)

Review Session Details
  • Step by step guide for differentiating between E1/SN1 vs. SN2
  • Nucleophile strength, dead solvents and only base reagents
  • Carbocation properties and stability
  • 1,2-shifts and ring expansion for carbocations
  • Evaluating various leaving groups (L.G.)
  • Making OH groups into L.G.
  • SN1 mechanism and stereochemistry
  • SN2 mechanism and stereochemistry
  • Review how to make and react with epoxides
  • E2 mechanism and identifying major and minor products (Zaitsev vs. Hoffmann)
  • Review how to make and react with epoxides
  • Learn to draw transition states and energy diagrams
  • All students that purchase this Review Session will receive "Midterm 1 Package" containing past uOttawa Professor midterms.

CHM2120/2520: SN and E Reactions


  • Full understanding of how to use/draw energy diagrams and transition states
  • Learn to differentiate between a base and a nucleophile
  • Understand carbocations and when to do a 1,2-shift
  • How to tell if you have a leaving group for SN and E reactions
  • SN1 and E1 mechanism specifics
  • Solvents and rates for SN1 and E1
  • Many examples from midterms/exams administered at uOttawa!
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for 3.5-Hours oF Tutoring

Sn and E Reactions
(Part 2)

Review Session Details
  • Each student will receive a Previous Midterms Package.

  • SN2 mechanism and stereochemistry
  • Review how to make and react with epoxides
  • E2 mechanism and number of products
  • Drawing and understanding molecular orbitals for SN2/E2 reactions
  • Projecting SN2/E2 reactions in anti-periplanar (APP) reactive conformation
  • Strong versus weak nucleophiles
  • SN2/E2 and solvent effects on rate
  • Differentiating between reactions: E1/SN1 vs. SN2/E2
  • Questions from past midterms given by current professors

CHM2120/2520: SN and E Reactions (Flynn)


  • E2 mechanism and which beta-Hydrogen to select (Hoffman vs. Zaitsev product)
  • Projecting E2 reactions in their most stable conformation
  • Differentiating between reactions: E2 vs. E1/SN1
  • Solvents and rates for E2
  • Simplifying the mechanism for oxidation of alcohol and knowing how to use the reagents appropriately
  • Many examples from midterms/exams administered at uOttawa!
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for 3.5-Hours OF Tutoring

IR and H NMR

Review Session Details
  • How to read and extract information from IR spectra
  • Learn 1H NMR concepts such as chemical shift, equivalence, integration and multiplicity to common midterm questions
  • How to distinguish molecules using 1H NMR
  • Learn to draw 1H NMR spectra from organic molecules
  • Learn a technique to putting fragments together for final compound identification for 1H NMR
  • Practice questions with tutor on IR and H NMR in step by step!
  • All students that purchase this Review Session will receive "Midterm 2 Package" containing past uOttawa Professor midterms!

CHM2120/2520: IR and H NMR Spectroscopy


  • E2 mechanism and which beta-Hydrogen to select (Hoffman vs. Zaitsev product)
  • Projecting E2 reactions in their most stable conformation
  • Differentiating between reactions: E2 vs. E1/SN1
  • Solvents and rates for E2
  • Simplifying the mechanism for oxidation of alcohol and knowing how to use the reagents appropriately
  • Many examples from midterms/exams administered at uOttawa!
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Session Instructor
Abdullah is a top-rated tutor with 7+ years of teaching experience.

­As a recent PhD graduate from the University of Ottawa, he has worked along with many of the CHM 2120/2520 Professors. His lesson plans will always begin with must-know fundamental concepts and end with examples from previous midterms and final exam questions.

Recommended by 350+ uOttawa students. Join one of his review sessions and decide for yourself!