CHM2120/2520: Midterm 2: IR and 1H NMR Spectroscopy

CHM2120/2520: Midterm 2: IR and 1H NMR Spectroscopy

Tutoring Session Details
  • How to read and extract information from IR spectra
  • 1H NMR concepts: chemical shift, equivalence, integration and multiplicity explained with examples (this includes simple coupling-tree diagrams)
  • Hydrogen and Deuterium reactions in 1H NMR
  • How to distinguish molecules using 1H NMR
  • Learn to draw 1H NMR spectra from a organic molecule
  • Solving parts of structure with 1H NMR peak "patterns recognition"
  • Learn to correctly connect 1H NMR fragments together for final compound identification
  • Five 1H NMR spectra from past midterms will be disturbed and solved as a group