What is a midterm/exam tutoring session?
    Tutoring sessions will cover concepts that students will be tested on during midterms/exams. Midterm and Exam tutoring sessions are usually divided into 3 parts and add up to 10 hours. Group sizes for these session do not exceed 18 people to yield an optimal learning environment. Our main goal is to simplify the subject and get you to ace the midterm!
Is this directed specifically to my course at the University of Ottawa?
    Yes! We are solely focused on the curriculum being taught by uOttawa Professors.
    We build relationships with the professors and TAs. We have course midterms/exams from previous years. Our tutors have TA-ed and tutored these courses for years, making them well-qualified.
    We hope to expand to nearby universities in the future.
Who’s teaching these courses?
    Our current tutors are all PhD. graduates.
Why choose A Plus Reviews?
    Through years of tutoring at uOttawa, we collected and understood the important concepts that will always appear on your midterms and finals. The curriculum is designed to cater to the teachings of the current Professors at uOttawa.
    It can get quite costly paying for a private tutor ($35/hour!). These review sessions are affordable, averaging about $35 for a 3-hour session. In comparison, you will be paying $11.60/h versus $35/h.
How much does it cost?
    Prices are shown on the course selection page.
How does payment and registration work?
    After you select your course on the homepage, you can choose 1, 2, 3 or all review session(s) for a midterm/exam. If “Select a date” is written for a session, it means the session is available at the upcoming date.
    Payment on website is by credit card (MasterCard, Visa and American Express). If prefer E-transfer, please contact us directly.
Where are the sessions located?
    All sessions and private tutoring will be conducted over Zoom. Tutor will use their ipad and share their screen to solve problems and teach. All notes written by the tutor will be sent to the student after the session.
Can I get a refund?
    Please note that refunds are not provided for recorded review sessions, as these materials can be accessed and viewed immediately after purchase. This policy ensures fairness and consistency for all students. For live sessions, refunds are available if the request is made at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled session. This allows adequate time for scheduling adjustments and preparation.
Do you offer private tutoring?
    Yes, please find the "Private Tutoring" tab on our menu and register based on the tutor's available hours.
Are you affiliated with the University of Ottawa?
    No, we are graduate students who have taken these courses at the University of Ottawa. With our past experience as tutors, relationships with Professor’s and TAs, and our knowledge, we will help you excel in your course(s).