BCH2333/2733: Amino acids, peptides and nucleic acids

BCH2333/2733: Amino acids, peptides and nucleic acids

Review Session Details
  • Review Session will include tutoring with problem solving from past Midterms/Tests
  • Understand how to assessĀ amino acid stereochemistry
  • Switch between line structure and Fisher projection for amino acids
  • Learn the mechanism for the formation of a amide bond
  • Review 20 natural amino acids and their pKas
  • Amino acid charge at various pH and its isoelectric point (pI) values
  • Composition of DNA and RNA nucleic acids
  • DNA structure (i.e. base tautomerization, classic base pair H-bonding, c2/c3 endo sugar rings)
  • Understand the inter- and intramolecular interaction in a DNA double helix
  • Analyse and understand DNA secondary structures (i.e. DNA helices: A, B, and Z)
  • Drawing oligomers of DNA and RNA
  • Mechanism for the formation of a phosphodiester bond
  • Identifying nucleic acid base pairing and tautomers