BCH2333/2733: Thermodynamics, Buffers and Carbohydrates

BCH2333/2733: Thermodynamics, Buffers and Carbohydrates

Review Session Details
  • Review Session will include tutoring with problem solving from past Midterms/Tests
  • Types of intermolecular interactions in biochemistry (i.e. ionic and dipole interactions)
  • The hydrophobic effect
  • Three thermodynamic parameters: ∆H, ∆S and ∆G
  • ∆G and equilibrium constants (Keq) of biochemical reactions
  • Using the H-H equation to solve for pH, pKa and concentration of buffer
  • Switch between line structure and Fisher projection for sugars
  • Sugar stereochemistry (i.e. D/L sugars, enantiomers, diastereomers, epimers)
  • Structural difference between Ribose, Glucose, Mannose and Galactose and Fructose
  • The concept of mutarotation about the anomeric carbon
  • Learn to convert between Fisher projections, Haworth projection and line structures
  • Sugar function in a cellular context