2123 – Practical Midterm 2

2123 – Practical Midterm 2

TLC and Flow Charts - Details
  • Through a demonstration, see how to properly setup a TLC
  • Be able to predict relative Rf values for various organic compounds
  • Learn how to make the appropriate solvent system
  • Understand how to assess solvent polarities used in your lab
  • Learn to justify your relative Rf values
  • Understand how to prepare flow charts for given mixtures or reactions
  • Touch up on your acid/base chemistry
  • Get a summary of LAB SAFETY and MSDS sheets
  • Many examples from midterms/exams administered at uOttawa!
Stoichiometry and SN1/SN2/E1/E2 – Details
  • Learn to convert between volume, mass, moles and number of molecules/atoms
  • Fully understand how to convert between units and within units (i.e. L, mL, uL, nL) through ‘Diagonal Conversion’
  • Be able to provide different concentration units for solutions (i.e. molarity and molality)
  • Know when to use c1v1 = c2v2 for a dilution question
  • Apply PV = nRT as used in lab experiment
  • Learn to find limiting reagents (not catalysts)
  • Differentiate between conversion and selectivity
  • Know which conditions favour SN1, SN2, E1 or E2
  • Many examples from midterms/exams administered at uOttawa!
Titration and Kinetics – Details
  • Be able to interpret and graph titration data
  • Relate acid/base chemistry to titration and use appropriate equations
  • Calculate final concentrations of solutions using the correct variables (i.e. moles, volume, mass, %w/v and v/v)
  • Use concentrations and mechanism to derive rate laws
  • Know the right equations for zero, first and second order
  • Apply integrated rate law equations to problems
  • Differentiate between zero, first and second order (i.e. from graphs)
  • Solve for rate constant with proper units
  • Many examples from midterms/exams administered at uOttawa!