2123 – Final-Session 2

2123 – Final-Session 2

Review Session Details
  • Understand how/when to use acetals as protecting groups and their mechanism
  • Briefly learn about sugar chemistry and how to apply the Benedict’s test
  • Learn to provide appropriate reagent tables
  • Using TLC to monitor sugar reactions with organic compounds (i.e. 10% H2SO4/MeOH)
  • Understand the concept of recrystallization and how to troubleshoot to get product
  • How to use enolates against electrophiles presented during the term
  • The mechanism for aldol reactions (with retrosynthesis)
  • Dehydration conditions to make α,β-unsaturated carbonyls
  • The mechanism for haloform reaction and key steps
  • Applying 1H NMR to enols/enolates